About Me



About Me

Hello Science Enthusiasts,


Welcome to my Blog! I'm Anurag Majumdar, but most people know me by my nickname, Emon. I am a 9-year-old Proud Indian. I am incredibly imaginative and love learning through program/activity-based education. I have a deep passion for acquiring knowledge and enjoy using digital tools like Google, ChatGPT, and YouTube to explore new ideas. My curiosity knows no bounds. Learning is my true love, and I have a unique approach to it. When I understand a new concept, I like to document my understanding by drawing detailed diagrams in my notebook. I also take on projects to solidify my comprehension, and I'm always eager to teach others


My interests mainly lie in the fascinating fields of Science and Mathematics. From a young age, I have shown a special affinity for science. When I was just three years old, I amazed everyone by drawing the entire Solar System and demonstrating a deep understanding of its complexities. My room is adorned with my hand-drawn solar system, a symbol of my passion and dedication. I have even created a chart of the Periodic Table, considering each element as divine entities.

I have knowledge that goes beyond what is expected at my age. At the age of seven, I already had a clear understanding of complex topics like 'Fission-Fusion,' 'Orbit-Orbital,' Orbital Hybridization, Covalent-Bonds, Lewis Bond Structures, and Ionic Bonds. I have even delved into esoteric concepts such as Plasma, Bose-Einstein Condensate, Time Crystals, and Space-Time Crystals. Memorizing the names and specific groups of all 118 elements of the Periodic Table at such a young age is a testament to my exceptional memory and commitment to learning.


Physics is another subject that fascinates me, especially 'Quantum Mechanics,' Energy Transfer, and Motion. I have a talent for organizing elementary particles, resembling a 'Shivlinga,' which includes different types of Quarks, Gluons, anti-matter, and leptons. I am also well-versed in concepts related to the String Theory and the Standard Particle Model. I enjoy exploring topics like General Relativity, Special Relativity, and M-Theory, which involve dimensions.

Mathematics is a subject that I excel in as well. At the age of three, I effortlessly performed addition and subtraction of 3/4-digit numbers. By the age of four, I started exploring time and money calculations. When I was five, I mastered logical reasoning topics of classes V and VI. Currently, I have completed 8th standard math and aspire to delve into Trigonometry and co-ordinate geometry, with a keen interest in exploring Calculus. The journey of the legendary Sir S. Ramanujan further inspires me in this field.


Lately, I have developed a keen interest in Bio-Chemistry. I find the study of DNA fascinating, particularly focusing on CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) CAS (CRISPR Associated) Protein 9. I also possess knowledge in the fields of Photosynthesis Light Reactions and The Calvin Cycle. As a creative expression of complex scientific ideas, I even presented my mother with an evolutionary chart of life and viruses as a birthday gift. Currently, I am actively researching Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (Blood Cancer).

Electronics is yet another area where I have a deep understanding. I know about Logic Gates, Circuits, Adder-Subtractor, Flip-Flop, and Arduino UNO. I can implement logic gates using simulators like Digital Logic SIM and LOGAS. I have also developed proficiency in various computer languages, including programming in the BlueJ Platform, creating websites using HTML, and even designing games using Scratch. Recently, I integrated my own Chabot web application using Python and the ChatGPT OpenAI API.

Thank you for visiting my website and I hope you enjoy exploring the exciting world of science, mathematics, electronics, and more with me. Let's embark on an amazing journey of discovery together!

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